Get informed. Get empowered.

Best way to kill fear, confusion, and misconceptions!
“[I’d like] to connect with other people who went through something similar… you get strength from hearing their stories”

Nour, a cancer patient

Share your story to encourage others to fight.

To empower and get empowered!

Our Updates

Chess for A Cause
A fun and interactive way to raise funds for underprivileged cancer patients and encourage healthy activities among our community members. After the first event at Luna’s and the second at Riyadh, we are excited to take this movement across all universities!
The Launching of National Cancer Plan meeting
CancerCom was invited to participate in the National Cancer Plan meeting hosted by the MOPH. Excited to collaborate with healthcare entities in Lebanon to ensure every cancer patient receive full support, no matter what.
Raising awareness in Highschools
Going above and beyond to raise awareness among high school students to remove the misconceptions from their roots and create a more supportive community.